Getting the perfect fit – Vegas Wedding Dress Alterations


Getting the perfect fit thanks to Wedding Dress Alterations

As much as we would love our dream dress to fit like a glove off the rack it is a rare thing of beauty. Every woman is different and beautiful in her own way and often time that leads to alterations. Your dream dress may be too long, too short, need a bustle for dancing the night away. Maybe its too loose in the chest or the lovely chrystal spaghetti straps are too long and fall off your shoulders. These are facts of dress shopping life but never fear because the alterationist is about to be your new best friend!

Above Ying tries on dresses at Brilliant Bridal and David’s bridal but finds the perfect gown at Brilliant Bridal during their memorial day sale!

About Wedding Dress Alterations

Your wedding dress should feel like it was made for you. This is your most special day and you will be wearing a formal gown for much of it. You don’t want to be uncomfortable or feel like your clothes are ill fitting. Alterations take a gown that was made for a model size and make it made for you. I’m always amazed at what an alterationist can do. They make changes you didn’t think possible. They work magic. Here are some common changes you may need.

  • Hemming a dress that is too long
  • Dropping the hem of a dress that is too short
  • Adding buttons and loops to allow you to bustle your train for the first dance.
  • taking in the waist
  • taking in the bust
  • shortening or lengthening straps
  • converting a gown from a zipper to a corset
  • Building sleeves onto a gown for modesty
  • adding new glitz or details to a gown
  • and so much more

Ying poses with her dress before alterations. The shoulders are too long, which she tries to sew herself, the bust and the hips are too big and hide her curves and the dress is too long.

How much does Las Vegas wedding dress alterations cost?

I’m sorry to say there is no quick and easy answer to this. Finding the actual price to alter your dress will vary greatly based 0n your needs and the design of your chosen dress. This will require having a consultation and fitting with your alterationist. They will have you try on your gown and may clip and pin things to figure out what parts need fixing. Perhaps you need a hem. If your gown has a solid fabric hem it may be a fairly quick and affordable fix. If your gown has a lace edged hem its going to be considerably more pricy as they will have to carefully remove each lace detail and sew it higher up on the skirt.

Setting a budget

That said, make sure you leave some room in your gown budget for alterations. Don’t spend your whole $2500 budget on the gown and then find yourself in trouble when you need $500 in changes. Anywhere between $200 and $900 can be expected. Your stylist should be able to give you some clues if the changes you need are going to be complex. Many bridal salons also have their own in house seamstresses that can come in and let you know before purchasing the dress.

Where do I find a Vegas based Wedding Dress Alterationist?

  • The Bridal Spectacular!
  • Visit my amazing friend Sondra Falk Couture who fixed Ying’s gown that you see in this post!
  • The shop you purchased your dress will likely have one in store or that they refer out to.

How long does the alterations process take?

Depending on the complexity and the workload the alterationist has on his or her plate you should plan for 6-8 weeks for alterations. It is a good idea to get the process started as soon as you have your dress. Each appointment with your alterations may take up to an hour and you will likely have three total appointments.

Ying before her wedding modeling off her altered gown that now fits perfectly

Vendor Credits

Ying’s Dress – Brilliant Bridal Las Vegas

Dress Alterations – Sondra Falk Couture

Ying planned her wedding at the Bridal Spectacular and was married in Lahaina Hawaii!

You can see more of Ty and Ying’s wedding right here!


Getting the perfect fit – Vegas Wedding Dress Alterations
Getting the perfect fit – Vegas Wedding Dress Alterations