No matter what your personal situation there is a happy solution for who walks you down the aisle
Who Will Walk Down The Wedding Aisle With You Is Totally Up To You!
As times continue to change and weddings become more personalized, Las Vegas brides are asking: Who should I have walk down the wedding aisle with me? We all know the traditional answer. Look at any wedding ceremony processional guide, and you’ll find the bride is escorted by her father. Today’s bride has many more options! For brides with supportive fathers at home, You may decide to share in the longstanding tradition. Your Dad will be honored to give his little girl away to be married to the love of her life. But if “traditional” is not for you there are plenty of important figures in your life that would be honored and deserve to be honored. Who will you choose to walk you down the aisle?
Brides in any circumstance deserve to feel radiant as they walk down the aisle at their Las Vegas weddings. As a cornerstone of the ceremony, this walk lets the bride make her wedding day debut special and memorable. Naturally, Las Vegas brides, you want someone with you who will make you feel confident and calm as you take steps to transition into a new phase of life as a married couple. That special person could be your mom, dad, brother or special friend. If your parents are not available to walk you down the aisle for whatever reason, embrace your identity as a modern bride and choose an option that works for you.
Recently, we spoke with several couples to explore what they would recommend. Whether you identify as a bride, a groom, or a partner this article is for any engaged person who is unsure who to have walk them towards their new beginning. Here are a few “walk down the aisle” options and scenarios. Of course, each person is different. You have to find what works for you, your family, and your partner so take what works for you and leave the rest.
If your father and mother are married and both are important to you: You love the idea of walking down the aisle with Dad. However, since Mom played a huge role in your life too, you don’t want her to feel like she’s not included or recognized in your wedding. Ask Mom how she wants to be involved. Does she want to walk you down the aisle? She may be completely content letting Dad walk you down the aisle since she’s involved in many separate, important roles in the wedding. But if you both feel that’s not enough, feel free to ask Mom to escort you down the aisle with Dad. With one parent on each arm, you’ll show your guests just how important both your parents are to you.
If you want your father to walk you down the aisle: You’ve always known Dad would walk you down the aisle. Now that special moment is coming quicker than you can imagine, and you can’t wait to share this special moment as father and daughter. When you walk together at your wedding, take small steps to take your time and soak in the moment. Share a few final words with Dad, who raised you, loved you, and is now letting you go for you to become the woman he always hoped you’d be. Even if you don’t remember what was said, you’ll remember the way you felt on your wedding day, arm-in-arm with Dad as he walked you to your groom. These feelings can be the same even if you have two dads or two moms, walk with the parents or person who is most special to you.
If your parents and step parents equally important to you: Your parents are divorced, and both Mom and Dad have been remarried for years. You’ve always considered yourself lucky because you have two father figures–Dad and Step Dad–and both have always treated you like their own kid. Or you may have two mother figures. Since you love them both and want to show them your appreciation, you can ask both sets of parents to be involved in the wedding aisle walk. Have one of them walk you halfway. When you reach halfway down the aisle, have the other parent(s) walk you the rest of the way and give your hand to your Fiance. Also, if you have enough room in the aisle way, you can consider having one “father” figure on each arm the whole way.
If you have two dads or two moms: If you have two amazing dads I say you have two amazing arms as well (hopefully.) Honor both dads by letting them both walk you down the aisle. Talk to your planner about making the aisles wide enough to accommodate a trio walking down the aisle and don’t forget to tell the minister or officiant so that they can update their script accordingly.
What if I want my fur babies to walk me down the aisle: OMG yes! Once again the person who walks you down the aisle is about having the support of someone who means something to you. Someone who wishes you happiness and wants the best for your future. Maybe that support person isn’t so much a person as your furry best friend. Did you know there are even pet professionals now who’s whole purpose is handling your pets on your special day so that they can be a part of it without any extra stress about who will take them for a walk or feed and water them.
If your father has passed away: You love your Dad, and you always envisioned having him walk down the wedding aisle with you for your wedding day. Even if he isn’t physically present, you can include his memory in the ceremony. Ask your mom, uncle, grandparent, sister or brother. You may consider walking alone if you feel no one can truly fill Dad’s shoes. Just remember it may be beneficial to have someone who loves you and supports you at your side for this big moment on your special day.
If your biological parent wants to walk you down the aisle but your stepparent raised you: You see your biological parent once a year or so but they did not raise you, On the other hand, your stepparent has been consistently there for you, and your siblings. You wish your step parent could walk you down the aisle, but your other parent is getting demanding. If he can’t walk you all the way, he won’t come to your wedding. As the bride, you deserve to make the decision of who will walk you, not to have it made for you. If you want both parents to be involved, consider meeting in the middle, like having them both walk with you. However, if you’d regret having your biological father or mother give you away, then you’ll have to talk with them. Calmly explain that you would love to have them in attendance at your wedding. However, you are the bride and you are the one with the right to decide who walks you down the aisle. If you have wholeheartedly chosen only your step parent for your walk, don’t let family drama deter you. Hope for the best, and remember how happy you’ll be when you’re supported on your wedding day walk by the parent who has supported you every day of your life.
If you don’t have a relationship with your father: Dad has never been in the picture. Mom has raised you, and she did an amazing job, if you do say so yourself. Now that you’re older, she’s become not just a mother, but also a good friend. Honor Mom by asking her to walk with you down the aisle. If you were raised by Mom’s family as a joint effort, consider asking extended family members. If you are close to your grandfather or an uncle, ask him to walk you down the aisle and give your hand to your groom. Don’t forget to think about your brother. If he has always been there for you, he might be honored to step up and fill these shoes. Whichever family member you choose for the aisle walk, they’ll all be there as guests to support your marriage.
If you are afraid of upsetting too many people by choosing the wrong person: You have no idea who to choose for your aisle walk. In the wake of your parents’ divorce, Mom’s family would take it as a personal affront if you to choose to walk with Dad. You considered asking your best friend who’s had your back since middle school, but he thinks it’s horridly inappropriate. Your brother is volunteering, but you haven’t been close in recent years. Rather than deal with this, you just want to throw your hands in the air and walk by yourself. While this may solve the problem, you don’t want to look back on your wedding with regrets. Talk with your partner, and decide together what would be appropriate and make you happy. Then find a way to make it happen. Easier said than done, we know. See how you can compromise and remind yourself that this is your wedding. While that doesn’t give you power to lord over others, it does give you the right to choose who you want to walk you down the aisle, whether it’s your father, mother, a friend or your groom/partner themself.
If you are getting remarried: Dad walked with you once, and he is willing to support you again. If you would like him to escort you down the aisle, then go for it! There’s nothing that says you can’t walk with him just because you haven’t been living under his roof for fifteen years. Enjoy this special moment with Dad or your selected family member. However, if you’ve grown apart from your parents, you’re also allowed to consider your options. If you have a child who’s old enough and mature, ask them if they would like to participate in your new marriage in this way. Either way, make sure that you and the person you’re walking with feels comfortable and proud to be walking down the wedding aisle arm-in-arm.
If you want to walk alone: You are a strong independent person or maybe there are no family members who you feel comfortable asking. You are your own person and you have spirit. It is okay to walk alone and with confidence to your Fiance. You can symbolize your independence as a woman. It is your choice, not anyone else’s decision, to join with your partner in marriage. Walking down the aisle with someone does not have to be because you are seeking their approval or acknowledgment. No one doubts what you’re made of. Rather, we know how special it is to have someone with you to share those moments and morally support you as you enter a new stage of life. If you’re walking alone, consider your motives and your happiness with this decision. If you’re walking alone to dodge family drama, then consider compromises and ultimately choose what makes you feel the most happy and supported on your wedding day. However, if you’re confident about going solo and you can gather all the support you need by looking to the end of the aisle where your groom or partner awaits, then step out and strut down that aisle on your own to the person YOU chose for your future. From that moment forward, you’ll never have to walk alone again.
How to Choose: Final Thoughts
As a bride, you can choose whatever you want for your walk down the aisle. Having a wedding travel bag filled with essentials for last-minute touch-ups or emergencies can prepare you for this magical moment. There is nothing more beautiful than a glowing bride striding in confidence as she approaches the altar, whoever is walking by her. There is nothing more beautiful than a glowing bride striding in confidence as she approaches the altar, whoever is walking by her. Make sure to instruct the wedding photographers to capture every perfect moment during your march, including your first photo in the altar. Add light and depth to this moment by making sure that your altar decorations are on point. Simple wedding arches can turn a simple altar into a romantic backdrop for your endearing moments as you officially enter married life.
You can keep your family’s feelings in mind, and do your best to make sure all sides are pleased but remember this is your wedding day. Don’t compromise your happiness. If family drama arises, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. This day is about you, your partner, and the life you are creating together. You deserve to be happy on your wedding day. When you walk down the aisle at your wedding, walk with someone who loves you and supports your decision to marry your loved one. Enjoy the moment, and take time to absorb the conversation, the emotion, and even your surroundings, from attending guests to decor. Then you’ll feel at ease and at peace for the moment you’ll take your partner’s hand, say your vows, and begin your marriage as a happy couple.
Need more help planning your Las Vegas wedding? We have more great blogs to guide your way or attend our next bridal show to find everything you need! Bridal Spectacular has been helping Las Vegas engaged couples plan their weddings since 1991.
Header Image by Moxie Studio
Author: Allyson Siwajian, Revised 2019 by Debra Hansen, Revised again 2023 by Laura Covington

Let your heart be your guide.
From choosing who to have walk down the wedding aisle with you to decor and vendors, The Bridal Spectacular is here to help you each step of the way.